What travel information do you need when you are coming to Bulgaria?
Bulgaria has so much to offer and we want you to get the most from your stay here. We have put together some general tips and travel information for Bulgaria. We spend a lot of time exploring Bulgaria and can help you to quickly learn everything you need to know to enjoy your stay. Whether you are looking to hire a car in Bulgaria and explore some interesting villages, or simply check the weather, you can take a look at the information below!
Emergency Contact Details
Check the emergency numbers and contact details of your Embassy in Bulgaria before travelling.
Bulgarian cities and villages
Bulgaria is quite a unique country in which every city has it’s own spirit and interesting history. Here you can find our guides to various cities and villages we have visited.
Weather in Bulgaria
Check information about the weather in Bulgaria along with average temperatures in the different regions.
Airports in Bulgaria
There are 4 major airports in Bulgaria and we have gathered some valuable information for each one of them. If you’ve never been to Bulgaria however, do not worry – it is a European country and the airports reflect that!
Hotels in Bulgaria
Bulgaria offers an incredible variety of hotels including SPA hotels with mineral water treatments and swimming pools, stunning seaside resorts, hotels in the mountains and so much more!
Rent a car in Bulgaria
If you are coming to Bulgaria and need to rent a car from a reputable company that won’t rip you off, you should trust our partner, Top Rent A Car.
Bulgarian currency and exchange rates
Bulgaria is in the European Union but it still has its own currency. Check this website for valuable information about the currency, what it buys and what are the current exchange rates.
Getting around Bulgaria
It is important to know how to get around Bulgaria. Here you can find information about the city transport, trains, buses, taxis and car rentals as well as some useful tips.
Tips about Bulgaria
The travel information for Bulgaria would not be complete of course without some valuable information about safety, culturally specific things, visas and more.
Check the latest titles from our blog!
Our blog contains a lot of information about Bulgaria and is packed with interesting stories, lots of laughs, precious information on Bulgarian culture and traditions, interesting events and much more!