If you’re moving to Bulgaria deciding where you are going to live is probably top of your priority list. As an expat you will probably want to rent somewhere on arrival. Even if you’re thinking of taking advantage of the low property prices and buying somewhere later, it’s a good idea to get familiar with the locations and market before you make any big, long-term commitments.
Here are some recommendations and suggestions on renting accommodation in Bulgaria to help you get started. As always, if you need any further advice feel free to drop us an email and we’ll try to help you out. You can also check our hotel reviews if you’d prefer to book something short-term.
First Estates
First Estates are a team of English speaking friendly property consultants who can help you find your perfect home in Sofia. Whether you are renting or buying a property in Sofia, First Estates have experts who understand the needs of expats moving to Bulgaria. First Estates have hundreds of beautiful apartments and houses to choose from and they will help you with the whole process to ensure you get settled in to life in Sofia quickly.
Of course this is not specific to Bulgaria however if you’re looking for a short-term place then consider using Airbnb. Many people rent out apartments or spare rooms here so it’s not only a good option for short-term accommodation but it might also be a good way to meet some new people.
Naemi bg
If you’re feeling a little more adventurous you can find an apartment through one of the online portals such as Naemi. This site is partly translated so you will be able to find your way around but remember not all the landlords or agents will speak English! If you’ve had a chance to make some local friends on arrival, maybe take one along when you do some viewings! Also, keep in mind that if you deal with an agent you will be expected to pay a fee when you sign the contract, usually equivalent to 50 percent of the monthly rent.
This really isn’t for everyone, however it’s an option worth thinking about! Couchsurfing hosts sign up and allow guests to, well, sleep on their couch, usually for a few days and for free! Again, if you’re arriving and just need somewhere to crash for a few days while your searching for your real home then this could be quite fun and good for the bank balance too!
A British run agency who own apartments throughout Sofia and manage everything from your utility bills to your repairs. This will certainly make life easier if you haven’t managed to learn any Bulgarian before your arrival! You’ll find excellent interior design (check our post here to see!) and all of your comforts and luxuries in these apartments, including air-conditioning, which you will be so grateful for if you’re staying in the city over the summer months.