Dextrophobia Rooms, an amazing hour!
When I first heard about this interesting place in Sofia where you get locked in a room for an hour and have to find your way out I was certainly curious! I’ve never tried one of these types of games and really wanted to give it a go. We emailed Dextrophobia Rooms to book and found that the waiting list was about 2 months at the time! This made us all even more curious so we booked the next available slot and waited patiently.
You can play with teams of between 2-5 people and the idea is that once you’re locked in you have to solve a chain of puzzles in order to escape. I had no idea what to expect but the puzzles were challenging and smart and certainly not easy! Obviously I can’t tell you what we had to do to escape as that would spoil the fun but I can tell you that you need to work together and always think outside of the box.
As soon as the timer got started I was completely into the game. The hour passed so quickly and all of us were enjoying every second! We went in a group of 5 which was good as we all contributed to different parts of the game with our ideas. Personally I think it’s more fun with a larger group but if you really want to challenge yourself you can try with just one other person!
It’s not scary in any way so you don’t have to be afraid and of course, if at any moment you want to get out you can. There is a member of staff who is watching and listening to everything you do in the room.
When you book, you can choose if you want to play the game in English or Bulgarian too which is great as I definitely wouldn’t have been able to keep up if the clues were only in Bulgarian!
You have one hour to escape and if you don’t find the exit within the hour you lose the game. Naturally, we were desperate to complete it but we really did cut it fine with the time. We finished with 1 second to spare! I would have cried if we hadn’t figured it out as we had been working so hard!! We asked what the record time was and were told it was under 30 minutes which is really impressive! Well done that team!
I am still buzzing from the experience and delighted to hear that Dextrophobia Rooms will soon have a new room to try. We’re booking that as soon as we hear it’s open, I cannot wait!
For a group of 5 people the cost is 21 leva each. For smaller groups the cost is slightly higher per person with a 2 person team costing 30 leva each.
I cannot recommend this enough, if you’re looking for something different to do in Sofia then book this asap and then let us know what you thought of the experience and how quickly you escaped!
Good luck!
P.s. To prove we did it you’ll find our website address written on the winners room wall 😉