Creatives in Sofia Show-off!
Picture by Ilyes Belkaid
Summer in the city of Sofia can get a little quiet, with the majority of the locals escaping to the seaside. But, this summer there is one great reason to stick around.
‘In this place. In this moment’ is an art exhibition (come mini-festival) from Creatives-Sofia. Creatives-Sofia is a collective of creative minds from all across the world. It brings Internationals and Bulgarians together in creative passion and appreciation.
No matter where we hail from, we are joined by two things, creativity and location– the inspiration behind the name of the exhibition.
‘In this place. In this moment’ will showcase the artworks, music, crafts and literary talents of the members of Creatives-Sofia. It is an eclectic mix of styles and media, which reflects and celebrates our little melting pot of creativity.
We have artists from Algeria, Lebanon, Chile, Finland/Israel, UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, and of course some amazing local Bulgarian talent.
Picture by Heidi Efrat
The exhibition, which is the first event for the group, will open on the 30th July at The Art Foundation at 7pm. Don’t worry if you can’t make the opening event, the artwork will be available to view until the 12th August.
There will also be a number of other events taking place during the two week run, including a workshop in watercolours with Bulgarian master of art, Zaro Zahariev. There will also be book reading from two authors, John Lees and Dominic Carrillo. You can also purchase some handmade jewelry and crafts at a handcraft fair. There’s truly something for everyone!
For dates and times for all the events and for more information check out the Facebook page ‘In this place. In this moment.’ If you have a creative soul or just appreciate those who do, then feel free to join us at ‘Creatives-Sofia’.